Fri, Mar 21, 2025

5 PM – 7 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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Library Couch Nook (2nd Floor Nugent, back right corner)

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Join SGA and Sustain MMC in the couch nook in the first floor of the library for an an evening of crafting and laughs! Kick off spring break with some calming and magical vibes. Each student will get to make however many fairies they would like for themselves within the time of this event (for FREE) and take them home with them! Students get to make unique outfits, hairstyles, and wings for their fairies, and they make for great gifts or decorations. My nana taught me that fairies bring good fortune, protection, healing, luck, wisdom, joy, and creativity, and that is what each fairy you make will bring you! Making fairies is something I (Abigail) used to do with my nana, and she would love for this tradition to be passed on to more people!

Students who don't feel the desire to make fairies are more than welcome to join! We will have an uplifting environmentally themed movie playing while we craft.


Library Couch Nook (2nd Floor Nugent, back right corner)

United States

Hosted By

Student Government Association | Website | View More Events
Co-hosted with: Sustain MMC

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