Complete the "Personal SWOT Analysis" activity
Submit a screenshot of your flagged posts on BrandYourself
Take the "Maximize Your LinkedIn & Stand Out Online" Quiz
Review your LINKEDIN with a career counselor & take the Post-Appointment Survey
Review your RESUME with a career counselor & take the Post-Appointment Survey
Review your COVER LETTER with a career counselor & take the Post-Appointment Survey
Review your ONLINE PORTFOLIO/WEBSITE with a career counselor & take the Post-Appointment Survey
Conduct a filtered job/internship search in Career Connection & submit a screenshot of your results
Submit links to job/internship postings found on "Industry-Specific Job Search Sites" list
Find an job/internship posting that interests you & draft a cover letter
Each of the following courses range from ~10 min to ~40 min. Please click the links below to upload your certificate of completion for each course as you make your way through Real World Playbook (www.realworldplaybook.com).